As per covid-19 regulations, all vendors will be required to provide proof of vaccination.
Covid protocols update:
1. Wear masks at all times.
2. Have hand sanitizer at your table - sanitize regularly especially if you are handling money, sanitize your phone or machine if people have touched the key pad, customers may want to use the sanitizer
3. Encourage people to distance themselves
4. Encourage people to move on ( they’re used to visiting, but with Covid protocols we can’t have them do so. )
5. Food products must be packaged or wrapped
6. You will be required to provide proof of vaccination as you arrive for setup. Your hand will be stamped so you can come and go. Access to the Creston room for vendors will be via the east doors.
Product Policy
All items must be handcrafted by you, your immediate family or your group. The artist/designer/creator must be present at the show. Only products indicated on the show contract will be allowed at the show. For example, applicants whose main product category is jewelry may not sell fibre art products unless noted on application.
You are welcome to hold a draw at your table, but the draw must take place after the close of the fair at 4pm on Saturday
Body Products Policy
All body care products must be labelled according to Health Canada standards.
Specialty Foods
Please have available at your booth a copy of current Food Safe certificate. You may need to present it to the health inspector. Any vendor selling food not produced in a health certified kitchen will be required to post a sign stating so.
If you'd like to provide samples, they must be wrapped and under your control at all times. Samples are to be passed to attendees via tongs.
There will be no samples of alcohol.
Product Request for Art Market Raffle
In past years the gift basket raffle was a real success! Thank you for your contributions. This year we will do the same and create gift baskets with your creations. It is not mandatory but, we ask that all vendors contribute a piece of merchandise or product sample that is identified to help promote your business. Your donations will be assembled in attractive baskets and raffled during the Market. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!
Cancellation Policy
No refunds are provided without 2 week written or email notification. A partial refund may be issued provided the booth can be filled and is at the discretion of the Arts Council board.
Parking Policy
We ask that all vendors load in and out of the hall via the upper east doorways and not through the main lobby entrance. (See table location map) This will keep the stairway and main entrance free of congestion and cause less interruption with the Rec Centre customers. Any vendors who are located in the lower lobby can load/unload through main entrance but we ask you please park around the rear of the building.
Loading, unloading, hours & booth space
The market sale day is on Saturday November 20, from 9am – 4pm.
Set up for the vendors is Friday November 19, 2pm-7pm, and/or Saturday November 20, 7am-9am. You must be set up before 9am. Take down is on Saturday from 4 and 7pm. Please do not take down your booth before 4pm. All tables, display stands and product must stay within your allotted booth space. Table skirting will be provided by the Arts Council, please do not remove it. You are responsible for covering the top of your table with a tablecloth. Chairs will be provided.
The doors to the Market will be locked on Friday night at 7pm and open again at 7am the day of the show. Please cover your table with a cloth or sheet after you have set up. There will be no additional security.
November 06, 2021 update:
You can have your lunch and snacks at your table. Beverages must be in a to-go cup with a lid; similarly, water and juice must be consumed from reusable and lidded containers.
Food and Beverage Vendors:
We will have no access to the kitchen.
If you need water, please bring it with you.
Liquor and wine vendors:
If you are offering samples please have paper towels for clean-up, and a garbage container.
We will remove the table skirt so it won't be stained, so please bring a sheet or fabric to hide any supplies you may be storing under your table.
Authorization to sell at this craft fair must be posted in a prominent location in your vendor area.
Coffee and juice vendors:
If you are selling prepared individual drinks, they need to be in a lidded container and we will remove your table skirts, so please bring a sheet or fabric to hide any supplied you may be storing under your table.
Food sales:
All products must be pre-packaged or wrapped.
In order to minimize handling by your customers, please use tongs or gloves.
If your food items have not been prepared in an inspected kitchen please post "This food has been prepared in a kitchen that is not inspected by a regulatory authority".
Food samples intended for tasting should be portioned ahead of time in your home kitchen, in paper cups or on toothpicks.
Signs will be posted around the room re: social distancing and other Covid protocols. Try not to allow your customer to engage in lengthy conversations.
If you would like to have a draw, please have more than one pen available, and wipe down pens after each use. The draw must take place after the close of the craft fair.
Only the tables against the walls have access to power. If you have one of those tables, please bring an extension cord.
We are unable to run power cords to the tables in the centre of the room.
Chairs will be provided. You will need to bring a covering for the top of your table.
If you are coming from out of town, be aware that Creston will be on the same time as Cranbrook, and therefore one hour later than communities to the west.